Welcome to Melbourne Forum
Welcome to the beating heart of Melbourne’s intellectual and cultural life! At Melbourne Forum, we’re more than just a member’s organisation — we’re the place where the brightest and most passionate minds converge to shape the future of our city and beyond. Whether you’re a thought leader, a changemaker, or someone who thrives on deep discussions, we’d love to welcome you.
What Is Melbourne Forum?
Founded on diversity, we are an engaged group of people who come together to share ideas and perspectives on a range of local, national and global issues in a supportive and friendly environment.
We organise bespoke opportunities for robust and interactive conversations. We invite eminent experts in different fields to lead a conversation, to inform us and invite us to think about, discuss and involve ourselves in social, economic, cultural, scientific, political and public policy issues of relevance to Melbourne.
Melbourne Forum offers an opportunity to expand our thinking, hear different perspectives and identify ways we can contribute to important issues relevant to our City and us.

POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying To Keep Him Alive
Thu, Feb 27, 07:30PM
Cultural Life Series
Growing The Conversation: How our evidence-based journalism is read by the world
Tue, Mar 04, 05:30PM
Drinks with Lisa Watts & Misha Ketchell
Become A Member
Melbourne Forum creates an inclusive and stimulating environment for members to engage with pressing issues of the day. Members enjoy hearing eminent leaders speak in intimate environments that encourage robust discussion and conversation with both them and other members.